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Growth Potential

Hi, I’m Bridgette the owner and maker at RAANU handwoven.

And I am seeking a brand/marketing manager!

I came to weaving in 2015 through a dear friend. He was looking for an apprentice to learn his biz and invest sweat equity into an eventual transfer of ownership. At the time I had zero weaving experience but a strong art background and interest in textiles.

I finished my apprenticeship in 2017 and have been the sole owner/maker for 4 years. In that time I have designed many new products, developed an e-commerce website, organized several professional photo shoots, and participated in many direct retail pop-ups and art fairs. All as a solopreneur.

Later this year I am expanding the product line even further and am very excited to soon be offering a capsule collection of handwoven clothing. It’s a very big step and I want to do it well.

SO, I welcome brand strategists, marketing managers, and fashion biz coaching into my life to make this next phase a success. If this is you or someone you know (or would like to recommend), please be in touch. I believe the best fit is going to come from my community and I’m trusting the process!

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